Doctor Zachary
Race- Echidna
Sex- Male
First Appereance- The Homecoming }-#65
Doctor Zachary claimed to be the first of Knuckle's people to return to the floating island and this was probably true. He was being chased by a Robot but Knuckles found out the robot was in fact, an echidna one that Doctor Zachary himself was controlling. The Robot destroyed the Master Emerald and took the power into it's self. In the end, Robotnik beat Zachary and he felt down to Mobuis trying to use the Robot's Body (now headless) to save himself. This turned out to work as Robotnik's troopers found him half dead but just about alive. Robotnik was able to turn him into a cyborg and attack the floating island. When Last seen, he was escaping and dug deep into the Floating island. He was never seen again. Since he was on the island (or at lest believed to be on it) when it sunk, it is possible he died.