2x8 - The Void
Writer(s) Name:-
Ben Hurst
First Aired:-
29 October 1994 (USA)
Episode Synopsis:-
In the Great Unknown, Sonic barely escapes a vortex and brings a strange ring back to Knothole. The ring transports Sally and Bunnie into the Void, while Sonic has gone to see Uncle Chuck and learns about Robotnik's ultimate plan.
Characters In this episode
* This Episode Shows Naugus NOT as a bad Guy but someone with a Score to Settle with Robotnik. It thus seams unlikey that he would team up with Snivley (Which is the comman Belief for Series 3). Robotnik also believing Sonic would work with Naugus hints that Naugus isn't evil.
* When Bunnie and Sally are captured in Knothole, the screen quickly flashs and shows a shot of Bunnie, Sally and King Acorn inside the void. This shot is in fact from later in the episode when Sonic returns to the void after finding out he didn't save the King but Naugus.
* Odd, but When Robotnik remembers Naugus, he is dress as Robotnik (after taking over the kingdom) and Snivley calls him sir and has hair. This means it must take place duing Blast to the Past, after Robotnik has taken over the kingdom but he puts the King in the Void and Snively loses his hair.
* Naugus says Robotnik invented the program to enter the void. This would explain more why he would work with Robotnik and a story seams to show itself. Naugus discovered the Void but needed Robotnik's help to enter it. Once he was in, Robotnik destored the Program so he couldn't leave. However, Robotnik still has bits of this Program as he is able to Open and close the Void.
* When Sally and Bunnie are Captured, there is a flash of light. For a few frames, that light contains a shot of Sally with her father, which is seen later in the episode.
ScreenShot Album
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Related Material
Story Outline, April 7th 1994 (Early) [PDF]
Please Note- Due to Nature of Content, Many images are Compiled shots or Fan Drawings
Rest of Knothole- Shot by Manic Man
In an near final Draft, When Naugus takes Sally and Bunnie into the Void to trick Sonic to follow, he in fact takes ALL of Knothole. Sonic then quickly gets everyone else. This is why he returns to Knothole and comments about everyone being gone.
Jungle From Hell- Shot by Manic Man
In a early plot outline, the void is descripted as a 'Jungle from Hell' with Killer Planets that can morph shape. This world is created by the power of Ixis Naugus.
Goofs and Mistakes
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Forgotten- When Naugus Freezes Bunnie and Sally, they are in one block of Ice. Later when Sonic enters the Void, they are in two.
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